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New Patients


 New Patients

What you may be asked

First Time Visit: As a new patient, you have a lot of background to share with a new physician.Keep a copy for your records so that it is available when you need to visit other doctors. 

Every Visit: You and your doctor have a lot of information to share in a short amount of time. Keep a copy of your records for you and your doctor's reference.

Bring to the Appointment

Insurance Card, Co-Payment (due at time of appointment), Referral Forms (if applicable), Previous Health Records 

On the day of the visit

If you are a member of the managed care patient, you may have to get the referral form or number from your primary care physician or we must have received it in advance.  Also, most of the managed care plans require that a copayment be paid at the time of the visit.

Office visit and form completion

You have to complete the patient demographic form completely on the day of the visit and must sign it. Also complete the medical information form. We apologize for the number of forms you have to fill, but they are necessary not only to fulfill the insurance requirements but also ensures accurate information on your medical history.

Patient Forms

Thank you for choosing Cardiovascular Institue for your heart care. In an effort to make your office visit experience the most efficient possible, we have listed the forms that include the necessary information for your appointment below. Please click on those needed for your visit, bringing the completed information with you for your physician's appointment. We look forward to seeing you! 

In order to view or print these forms you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader installed. Click here to download it.


Most insurances now  have a pre-certification requirement which means that we must have the approval from your insurance company before many of the diagnostic tests  and procedures are performed 

Most insurances now  have a pre-certification requirement which means that we must have the approval from your insurance company before many of the diagnostic tests  and procedures are performed 

Office Hours

CVI office is open  from Monday to Friday from  8.00 AM to 5.00 PM. We are available to take calls directly during this time.


We encourage to make your  future appointments on the day of the visit. Appointment card will be given and you will be reminded about the appointment one or two days before that. But ultimately it is your responsibility also.

Please remember to bring your insurance card if there is a change in the insurance. It is also good to bring your medications or the list of the current medications. Please inform the receptionist about any change in address, telephone or insurance carrier.


If you can not keep your scheduled appointment, please call us at least 24 hours in advance.

For canceling the stress cardiolyte, it is required that you call us at least one day in advance otherwise you will be responsible for the cost of cardiolyte and other medications like adenosine and dobutamine because your insurance company will not pay for this. 

Prescription Refills

It is the policy of the CVI to refill prescriptions  that have been originally prescribed by the CVI doctors during the  weekdays from 8 AM to 5 PM. Your prescription can not be completed during the non-business hours as your medical records are not available and could lead to errors. Please allow at least 3 to 5 days for the refill request to go through. Please call CVI only for the prescriptions  given by the CVI doctors. If you have not seen CVI doctors for a length of time, you will be asked to to visit us  before a  medication can be refilled. Certain cardian medications require close monitoring and even blood test and EKG.

Telephones Calls

We request that you call (281) 357-5700 during regular office hours for  regular appointments and routine business during normal business hours. There is always a physician on call when our office is closed.  After 5.00 PM your call will be answered by the answering service personnel for CVI. 

If this is an emergency call 911 for immediate help and notify the service to inform the doctor on call. 

Our office will be closed on the following holidays:

  • January 1- New Year Day
  • Last Thursday in November - Thanksgiving
  • Last Monday in May - Memorial Day                    
  • December 25 - Christmas Day
  • July 4 - Independence Day
  • First Monday in September - Labor Day

What To Expect

Being well-prepared for your appointment will ensure that the doctor has all necessary information to provide you the best possible care. It also will help relieve any unnecessary anxiety you may be feeling. Educate yourself on your symptoms by reviewing our Patient Education section. Also, take some time to review our staff page and familiarize yourself with the doctors. We look forward to your first visit.

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